Resolved -
Snowflake has implemented a fix and the incident has been resolved. Your Snowflake and Panther services should now function as expected.
If you experience any other issues related to this incident, please contact Panther support.
Mar 19, 15:58 PDT
Monitoring -
Snowflake Data Cloud is recovering from a recent incident. Customers in specific regions may experience intermittent delays or timeouts when performing queries or using Snowflake services.
You may be affected if your Panther instance is in the following regions: - AWS US-East-1 (N. Virginia) - Affected Snowflake services: Snowflake Data Warehouse (Database), Snowpipe (Data Ingestion), Replication, Snowsight - Potentially affected Panther services: Data ingestion, lookup tables, scheduled queries and rules, ad-hoc queries - AWS US-West-2 (Oregon) - Affected Snowflake services: Snowflake Data Warehouse (Database), Snowsight - Potentially affected Panther services: Lookup tables, scheduled queries and rules, ad-hoc queries
For real-time updates on this incident, visit: We will continue to monitor the situation and will update the status page once resolved.
Mar 19, 13:13 PDT